Creationism (S to Y)


Match the items on the right to the items on the left. Review the lessons before taking this exercise.
Scopes Trial in 1925Famous trial involving lawyer Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan
SETISearch for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence
SpeciationDevelopment of new species; it leads to a loss of information, not the gain of information required by evolution.
Stanley MillerScientist who conducted famous 1953 experiment, passing electric current through mixture of gases, producing organic compounds.
Theistic evolutionGod directed evolutionary process of millions of years; merges Genesis account and concept of millions of years of evolution.
Theropod dinosaursLizard-hipped, bipedal dinosaurs
Hebrew word “formless”, from Genesis 1:2
UniformitarianismBelief that rates today are the same as they were in the past, without possibility of major catastrophes like worldwide floods.
Universal constantsParameters in laws of physics setting strengths of fundamental forces (e.g. gravity), and masses of fundamental particles (e.g. atoms); vital for life.
Venus FlytrapPlant that uses complex mecahnism to snap two of its lobes on any unsuspecting fly that ventures inside
Willard Libby
Founder of the carbon-14 dating method
William PaleyWrote in 1802 classic book Natural Theology; design in nature attributed to a designer (God) with “red in tooth and claw” as part of original design.
Woolly mammothsThousands of carcasses scattered across Alaska and Siberia resting above Flood deposits.
YomHebrew word for “day” (24 hours)
Young-earth creationistsChristians including scientists who hold traditional view that is faithful to Scripture and fits scientific evidence better than old-earth evolutionary theory.

Exercises created by Atty. Gerry T. Galacio. You can freely use these exercises, but you must not upload them to any website or the cloud. For comments, questions, corrections, or suggestions, email


Exercises created with freeware Hot Potatoes v. 6.3 from the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada.


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